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Aegis is a free massive multiplayer strategy game, if you want to see what it is all about click here
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To contact kingdom members or other players, you can use the 'MESSAGE' option. Here you can write a message that will be delivered to them via email. They can then respond using the same method or directly by email to your address.
Make sure that your address is correct. You can check this in the 'CONTACT' section of the game.
Please check our privacy policy regarding our player details and rest assured that we do not give out emails to third parties knowing that this may result in 'SPAM DEATH' for you. We hate spam and unsolicited mail as much as anyone else, so do not worry.
We would like to caution players who send messages through the system and advise them to keep the message clean and free of vulgar language or abuse. Although we will not be held responsible for any damages or problems which resulted with the misuse of this system, we will not think twice about deleting or banning a player account for such activities.