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Aegis is a free massive multiplayer strategy game, if you want to see what it is all about click here
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The bazaar offers players the opportunity to gain emergency resources by trading textiles. To make use of the bazaar you first have to plan the building. After this you will be allowed to trade your wares by going to the `BAZAAR` menu option. In the bazaar you may trade textiles in exchange for any other goods such as wood, stone or food. Although trades can be expensive, it is a good option for those moments when you are in need of a few resources to achieve a particular project or if caught in an emergency. The trade is effective immediately and you gain your new resources ready for use that moment, this is sometimes a lifesaver. The bazaar can also suit high-level networth players as a source to rid of any extra textile production which they might no longer need, as there comes a stage when textiles become less useful a resource.